
5 Top Tips from a Stylist to Finally Clean Your Closet


January is a great time to set your intentions for the year. For many of us that means getting deep into clearing out our clutter and getting organized. If you’re ready to make some space for some new items or are just overwhelmed by your closet here’s a blog post I wrote a while back for Avenue magazine with 5 basic steps to clean your closet. While I wrote it to coincide with spring cleaning I still prefer the first couple of months of the year to get started. I have reprinted the post below.

Of course, if DIY is not your thing, I provide professional advice and direction to help you push the reset button. I can get through multiple storage spaces in only one session and leave you completely organized with a simple plan to move forward into the year ahead. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start, I have been doing this work for 20+ years and I know can get you where you want to go.

Take advantage of my special offer for closet edits in January with 10% off for new clients! Stop putting it off and make this your year! Contact me for bookings and check out my services.

1. Plan for success

Approach the big job of cleaning out your closet in small sections, each with a time limit. Think about what is a reasonable amount of time to spend on each task, and stick to it. You might not get everything finished, but you will feel inspired to keep going instead of feeling overwhelmed by what’s left to do.

2. Clear the clutter

It’s easier to pull out the items you are sorting into a larger, separate area to give you room to work. Use a portable rack to hang items and bins to sort the rest. Re-organize your closet with what’s left behind after you’re done.

3. Decisions, decisions

Make “yes, no and maybe” areas for sorting. Saying “maybe” gives you a chance to be undecided without spending too much time on “why.” Spend time re-evaluating the “maybes” and zero time rethinking the “no” pile.

 4. Real Estate

Your closet space is valuable. Devote that prime real estate to clothing you actually wear now, instead of clothing that is attached to memories or regrets. Store clothing you can’t part with for sentimental reasons, and move clothing that needs to be cleaned or repaired somewhere else like your entry closet.

5. Show You Care

Consignment can be a great way to recoup some cash for your unwanted clothing, but consider instead the changes your clothes can create for people in need. Investigate your charity well and put your items where they will do the most good. Two organizations to look into are WINS and Dress for Success, which both help women grow in our community.